Friday, June 13, 2008

Drug Abused

The first topic that I'll be posting is about drug abused.

>Drugs have been widely used, ever since the years before BC. Nowadays, the uses of drugs have been totally out of control, especially due to the presence of some low class society. What is actually the definition of drugs? To most people, drus are commonly said as medicines. Only with doctor's prescribtion, people can take drugs. This means drugs are used to overcome or cure illnesses.

>The modernity and the fast growing technology that we achieved today, brings to the increasing drugs production. We can easily name them, like ectasy which originates from pieces of glasses, heroines, and others. The question now does it benefit us if we use drugs on the wrong way? For drug addicts, I mean the beginners, the wrongly usage of drugs might have their pros. For example, they will be free from any problems because drugs usually invert their mind to somewhere called peaceful. However, these scenarios must be stopped immediately. Long terms of drug abused in overdises amount, may lead to various health crisis.

>Have you ever heard of seizures? Some of us might never heard of it before, but this is the exact term for brain damage. As we all know, our brains are the most important organ in oneself. Brains gave information for our limbs to function, but if the usage of drugs are too much the brain will no longer be functioning, and everything will stop. With damage brains, these drug addicts cannot go anywhere, they will be considered as death dolls.

>HIV, the immunodefiency disease is the most outrageous and dangerous illness in the world. It is also one of the effect of drug abused. Living with HIV is not something fun, instead, it is like living in hell. The viruses that attact the immune system of a person who suffers from it, stops the immune system. Thus, the body will be easily being attacked by other viruses. That is why, people suffering from HIV are likely seen to be weak, and they will be having bruises all over the body. Those bruises easily explained there are accumulating of blood in certain parts of their bodies. HIV positive people will not only be uncomfortable with their own body, but they kight as well make people around them feel disgust towards them. Societies right now, think that, by a slight touch with a HIV postive person, they might also got attached by the diseases. This makes the situation worse for the HIV victims as they will be majorly isolated.

>Another disease that those who abusing drugs can have is of course high bloood pressure. For some of us, might think that high blood pressure does not really as dangerous as HIV but actually this is one of the silent killer in the world. Overdoses uses of drugs for a long term, can lead to uncontrolled high blood pressure which then contribute to other deathly illnesses like heart attact, kidney failure and also heart weaken. Plus, with high blood pressure, one may be unable to enjoy the fun of life, such as going to theme parks and play those extreme games.

>Now, let me tell you the cons for students who mainly involve in drug abuse. The stresses to get the top places in education institution make students nowadays tend to find the easiest way to be free from those problems. One of the way is by taking drugs. Everyone knows that by taking a lot of drugs, the brain will be damaged easier. Therefore, as for students, the more drugs they take, the higher the risk for them to have seizures. Brains are crucial for students, and when the brains have no longer functioning, they might fail in their studies. This is because, once their brains get damaged, its hard for them to have a high input of knowledge given in them. They cannot even think properly. When they fail, no companies want to employ them, as these days, most companies want healthy employees to increase their companies' production. Hence, these students, will be unemployed and more stresser than ever. They might again need those drugs, and will be fonded to do anything just to get those expensive drugs. Its not an ironic scene, when these students tend to involve in criminals to get those drugs, since, we all know, that drug dealers are usually criminals. The crucial thing now, is students themselves must stop these immoral attitude. Drugs ruin their lives step by step. Drugs also prevent the country for having high credibility generations to build up the nation.

>In a nutshell, let us stop from being third class mentaliy society. And together we give all our perseverances in helping the government to prevent drug abused among people. Younger generations must be taught of the dangerous of drugs before its too late. Parents must watch their teen children. The older society must show good examples and stop smoking. And religious education must be taught strictly. The warning is not a play, drugs are killers and devils.

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